This is not a "pull your pants up" moment. I see people posting stuff about how things used to be better way back when, before "these kids" started acting up, back when parents were married, etc. and so on. You know what? Bullshit.
That "back in the day" you talk about was when cops used attack dogs and firehoses on peaceful marchers; when civil rights workers were murdered with impunity, and their killers never prosecuted; when lynchings were not just common, they were public CELEBRATIONS. People took their KIDS to lynchings, they ate picnics under the trees where their victims swung.
This isn't about America needing to return to Jesus, or to a time when there was more respect for authority, or anything like that. Stop the Norman Rockwell festival of naivety why don't you? (Actually, don't blame Rockwell, that painting he did of Ruby Bridges being escorted into school was the TRUTH).
This is about a sickness that has infected the very heart of white culture for centuries, a disease that we still haven't beaten, mostly because so many of us don't SEE the disease, or when they do they don't want to fight it. And it is OUR sickness, and ours alone. WE did this, over centuries. WE built this.
You want to salute the flag? Wonderful. All hail patriotism. But make it honest patriotism. Know what you claim to love. Know who built that capitol in D.C. (slaves); who built the White House (slaves) and who cleared the forests in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana so that those states could be settled by white people (slaves again), and who did the work that put food on the table for the ENTIRE country for over 240 years (Yes, slaves). This country literally would not EXIST without the crime of slavery being committed.
To hell with your good old days.