Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another repost from Too Sense:

Okay, that's it. I'm done. I've officially had it.

You know how kids can sue to have themselves emancipated from their parents? Go off on their own, legally independent, et cetera? I'm gonna sue to emancipate myself from these kinds of white people. It's gonna be tricky to draw up the right language, because I'm not looking to sever associations with all of my white brothers and sisters. But those motherfuckers in the video? Those have got to go.

I'm gonna do the white version of Chris Rock's famous "niggas vs black people" routine. Just substitute...well, see, there isn't a true white equivalent for the n-word. Cracker, redneck, PWT, et cetera can carry similar meanings, but they don't have the same weight. When you hear black folks talking about regular black folks versus "niggas" you know exactly what kind of people are being discussed. Refer to crackers or rednecks, you could have a pretty wide range of meanings.

Terminology aside, in the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, I reject and denounce those jackasses. I am so sick of this being the face of "real, hard-working white America", like there aren't any salt-of-the-Earth white folks who aren't also psychotic, virulent racists, ignorant xenophobes, or religious whack-jobs.

It's people like this that give the white working-class and lower-class a bad reputation. Some of us actually prize knowledge, and education. Some of us read books...for fun. Some of us work our way up from modest means to try to go further in life. Some of us are perfectly fine with people from other races, religions, cultures, what have you. Some of us are fully capable of loving ourselves, our history, and our culture, without hating everything and everybody else. And we don't need these cousin-lovin' pig-fuckers dragging us down, see?

Point being...I ain't responsible for those people in the video, they don't speak for me, they ain't related to me, no blood, no culture, not a motherfucking thing. They can kiss my hairy white ass until it bleeds.


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