Thursday, April 21, 2011

Regarding Whether McCain Was "Actually" Racist, Or Just Tolerated Racism

Another Too Sense repost:

As McCain's and Palin's rallies have gotten uglier and uglier, and McCain's overall strategy has gotten more aggressive and more negative, one of the questions that keeps coming up, at least among commentators, is whether McCain's heart is really in this negative stuff. Does he really believe that Obama pals around with terrorists? Does he really think Obama is dangerous, or radical? My response: does it really matter whether he does or not?

Let's say for the sake of argument that McCain is no racist. Let's say he doesn't see Obama as some terrorist-befriending leftist radical who is going to destroy America. If that's true, how is it relevant, given the fact that McCain, Palin, their surrogates, and their supporters have been using those very arguments to support their campaign? As Rachel Dawes said in Batman Begins, "It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."

Put another way: would anything change for you if you found out that deep in his heart of hearts Jeffrey Dahmer longed to be a meek, harmless vegetarian?

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